Click queen-of-ni UsageΒΆ

This plugin allows manual configuration of the HTTP Proxy (but with a cool name).

First, build this locally:

$ virtualenv ve
$ source ve/bin/activate
(ve)$ pip install -e .

In order to run queen-of-ni a blacklist file must be specified. This must be a PyYAML configuration file - an example of which can be found in ./docs/proxy_blacklist.yml The default settings are:

IP address:
port: 8080
blacklist: None

To run queen-of-ni using default configuration, run:

(ve)$ queen-of-ni --blacklist BLACKLISTFILENAME

Otherwise to use manual configuration, run:

(ve)$ queen-of-ni --interface IPADDRESS --port PORTNO --blacklist BLACKLISTFILENAME

For help, see:

(ve)$ queen-of-ni --help